Friday, 29 March 2013

Girl of many shades

She wore a jacket red, under the rainy sky.
An affectionate look of wine, drunk deep inside her eyes.

Defiant of the traffic lights, she strode onto the street.
Her blue jacket striking against her jet black hair, as it bounced merrily.

Lipstick marks on coffee cups, eyes casting lingering glances.
Petulant lips betraying slender fingers. She wasn't ready to grow up.

Music fills the spaces

And then Music fills the spaces where life feels inadequate.


If you can hear the rain dance merrily on the tin roof,
and sleep in peace smiling that life is alive, talk to me.

If you have played with sunshine.
Not afraid to stain your clothes with the dust of spiritedness, talk to me.

If you have danced to invisible music inside your head.
If you have waltzed with a baby teaching a language of love, talk to me.

Be reckless

Feel the sun upon your face, sing songs out loud in a maddened craze.
Be reckless. Be free.

Throw your hat into the air. Fly after it as if gravity isn't there.
Be reckless. Be free.