Monday, 18 August 2014

I say you are beautiful

I see you, 
through the places I've visited, 
of the stories I've been told, 
of dreams I'm yet to live, 
through the lens of my soul.

I say you are beautiful,
through the way I've learnt to smile,
the way I know how to breathe,

the way I know what's wrong, what's right.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Have you ever dated a city ?

Have you ever dated a city ? Gazed at it longingly, in every mood, 

exploring every corner till you found its soul, and fell in love with it.

Have you ever dated a city ? Watch as she woke up lazily on a Sunday, 

Wistfully smile as she hugs another stranger, then smiles back at you.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Her stories

She told me her stories a dozen times

About her fears, her dreams, her smooth lines.

Years after she is gone, and her scent doesn't fill my thoughts, those stories are still mine.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Why can't I be content like that ?

It's early morning, cool wind blowing
Humanity's asleep, the day is waking

A parrot on the wire, slowly swaying.
There's gentle sunlight, the sea is waving

A lady parrot flies in, sweetly chirping
They rub beaks together, they're simply loving

Why can't we be calm like that ?
Why can't I be content like that ?

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Listen to the Night

Listen to the night
As it plays it's symphony
A masterpiece of sound
Of rhythm, of swing & rousing heartbeats.

Listen to the night
As the wind raises it's echo
Watch the waves dance in frenzy
As the storm reaches it's crescendo.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Spend a little time

Spend a little time time waving back to those waves
As they sway timelessly and rush to you.

Spend a little time speaking to the parrots
As they takeover the morning with their excited chatter.

Spend a little time dancing with the leaves
As they swing in merriment to the tune of the breeze.

Pause for a moment and look around
Everything is not about you,
But everything is for you.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

But never kissed

The brooding silhouette of the Bandra seafront
Cast against the gray morning sky
Seems to talk about a night incessantly teased by rain
But never kissed.
And now it was day again.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

In Kathmandu

Breathe the cool air my lovely friend, appreciate the beauty around you. 

Gather it gently in your hands as you would dewdrops of the morning, and let the nearness of the mountains surround you.

Friday, 30 May 2014

She always walks in beauty

Across cobblestones paths, amidst the infant night.
She walked in beauty, her face echoed the moonlight

She walked some more, her scent took over the night,
Her face was lit infact by her Samsung galaxy five.

I chuckled to myself, shook my head at the sight,
Today you can be beautiful and make your own moonlight.

Friday, 23 May 2014

The bookshelf

The bookshelf, it just sits there
Smiling in mahogany and the scent of varnish

Day after day, she puts her treasures in it
Tolstoy, Carroll, Austen & Hardy

The bookshelf, it just sits there
Happy with yearning and the scent of classics

Night after night, she sat against it
Drinking the words she made them her own

Her bookshelf, it just sits there
Drunk in love and the fragrance of her body.

Don't be afraid

Awake you feel the world, let it surround you.
When asleep, you are free.
Follow the night and let it hold you
Don't be afraid, because there is darkness within.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

As I dream

As I dream, I find that no dream is enough. Once I achieve, I want some more. The desire in me to rise and fly grows strong. Till arrogance burns me down, and I fly again.

Saturday, 18 January 2014


Meet me in an old bookstore, where the scent of pages harks back to the time when people used to live what they read.

Meet me on a rough grassy path in the park, where people used to walk to breathe, where there is a scent of wilderness to keep.

Meet me on the footsteps of a rainbow dream, where the colours are from your laughter, and where you find angels in the depths of your sleep.

Meet me on a cobblestoned street, where once mighty armies marched to a beat, where bugles sounded even in retreat.

Meet me on the strains of a guitar, where the rhythm lives inside you even as it hits you from afar.

Meet me in the rhythm of a song, when they play majestic violins as they sweep over the sea, where the only ones dancing are you & me.

Meet me in a poem, where the words are woven in a symphony, of timeless desire, of poignant pain and sighs of delight.

Meet me on a piece of paper, where timeless ink has left its mark, where the music is written but the song has yet to start.